Resource Directory

Below is a directory of various companies with products that are related to sous vide cooking. Please note - having a listing in this directory does not imply that the resource has been tested or is approved by ISVA. ISVA makes no claims or warranties as to the products and services contained on this list. ISVA may receive a portion of revenue generated by sales from links on this resource page.

Looking for sous vide circulators? Visit our approved devices page. You can also visit our official ISVA recipe library.


Meat & Seafood Delivery
Allen Brothers
Fossil Farms
Snake River Farms
Wulf’s Fish

Vacuum Sealers
Polyscience Chamber Sealer - 300 Series
Polyscience Automatic Vacuum Sealer
Vac-Vida Chamber Sealer
Vesta Precision (Channel & Chamber Sealers)

Sous Vide Education

Online Educational Courses (Video)
Sous Vide Made Easy Course - Amazing Food Made Easy
Sous Vide Thanksgiving Course - Amazing Food Made Easy
CREA Online Courses (ACF Approved)
Rosendale Online - Classes from Master Chef Rich Rosendale

In Person Educational Courses
CREA In-Person Seminars (ACF Approved)
Rosendale Collective - In-Person Classes taught by Master Chef Rich Rosendale

Sous Vide for the Home Cook - Douglas Baldwin
The Flavor Matrix - James Briscione
Complete Sous Vide Cookbook - Sharon Chen
Everyday Sous Vide - Chelsea Cole
Sous Vide Meal Prep - Chelsea Cole
Meathead: The Science of Great Barbecue and Grilling - Meathead
Sous Vide Que Made Easy - Meathead
Under Pressure - Thomas Keller
Made With Love - Chef Elizabeth Leeam
Champions of Sous Vide - Mike La Charite and Jason Logsdon
Modernist Cooking Made Easy: Sous Vide - Jason Logsdon
Healthy Sous Vide - Jason Logsdon
Infusions - Jason Logsdon
The Food Lab - J. Kenji López-Alt
Immersed: The Definitive Guide to Sous Vide Cooking - Philip Preston
At Home With Sous Vide - Dale Prentice
Mastering the Art of Sous Vide Cooking - Justice Stewart
The New Pie - Chris Taylor and Paul Arguin